Thursday, February 7, 2013

1920’s Apartment – A Facelift

Me and the Mr recently bought a two-room apartment. The building is from 1920’s and location is downtown. Perfect! I instantly fell in love with the place.

The apartment has been renovated heavily in the 1980’s and some small things have been done in the 1990’s, but frankly it’s in a poor shape. The former owner has lived abroad for at least last ten years and has been renting the place during that time. It’s really no surprise that the whole place needs some TLC.
There are some major renovations coming up during the next two or three years though. They’re going to redo the electric wires and plumbing in the whole building. This might mean that they’ll have to open floors and walls to get things done. So it wouldn’t be very wise to do expensive renovation that would be ruined just year or two later… (There went my beautiful tile flooring in the hall and kitchen. Tiles are already bought, but I’ll just have to wait.)

Layout of the apartment
I still need to do something so we can actually live there (as soon as possible). Thinking it over and over again I came up with a plan. I have a very tight budget for anything that is only temporary or might not be “permanent”. I want to make the place look fresh and appealing for nearly nothing. I’ll have to use what I have as much as possible, but a little paint can take you a long way. ;)

I'll post more about our renovation as we make progress. I think first room we'll finish will be kitchen, but let's see how it goes.


  1. It sounds exciting to me, 80 and 90 was a very good year like the lyrics go,I'm a song writer you see.
