Wednesday, May 22, 2013

IKEA hack - new life to Frosta stools

I got four of these IKEA Frosta stools stacked in my kitchen. I bought them about 10 years ago and they've starting to lose their lacquer finish. 
I was about to replace them with new ones, but then i got stingy and decided to give them a coat of paint. I even got the paint for free as Cherry's renovating her apartment and had some leftover furniture paint from her kitchen makeover. Luckily we have similar taste, so the color she had chosen was perfect for me too.

I used sandpaper to get rid of old lacquer and then wiped the stools clean with a damp cloth. 2 coats of paint  and voila! There's probably more "professional" way of doing this, but if I get few extra years for my stools like this, I'm content.

To avoid washing the paint tray later, I covered it with plastic bag. I used a small brush for the edges of the stool and a small roller for the top part.

I didn't want to paint the legs, so I used some tape to protect them.

Alvar Aalto designed very similar stool already 1930's ( stool number 60 ), it's now available in different colors, also in turquoise, sweet!