Tuesday, September 20, 2011

All the way home I'll be warm...

I'm down with a cold. It had to happen, like every September since I don't know when. On my way home from the doctor's I visited a shop, just to buy some basic stuff since I knew I was spending the rest of the week home... but then I was drawn to their yarn section.

And then I got inspired.

And this is what came out of that. 

At first I was aiming for a long scarf, but when I got started I knew it had to become a vintage inspired set with a beret and this typical pull-through scarf. I'm almost ready for the winter now...

Summary in Finnish: Jouduin flunssa-aallon kouriin. Taas. Kuten joka syksy. Kotimatkalla lääkäristä poikkesin kauppaan tarkoituksena ostaa loppuviikoksi mm. ruokaa. Kuinka ollakaan harhauduin kuitenkin lankaosastolle kuumehoureissani ja jouduin Novitan syysuutuuksien viettelemäksi. Silmu lumosi minut ja kuvittelin neulovani siitä pitkän kaulahuivin. Toisin kävi. Aloitettuani ymmärsin että langasta oli tuleva vintage-tyylinen setti baskereineen ja pujotettavine huiveineen...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mad about Mad Men

Mad Men Season 4 Episode Photos - Mad Men Season 4 Episode Photos Photo Gallery

I just finished watching Mad Men season 4, can't wait for the next one! In the meanwhile I can stay in the mood by visiting the Mad Men website and pick ideas for sewing projects from the fashion gallery. Check Fay Miller's outfits- that style would work very well in todays office.
If you're not into sewing or knitting, you can shop Mad Men ispired clothes from Banana Rebublic's Mad Men Collection.